SharePoint (2003 thru Online): Go Local India

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Go Local India

Updated Feature: Live events in GCC, Go Local India, Go Local Japan and Go Local Australia
MC183452, Stay Informed, Published On : June 27, 2019

We’re updating regional availability of live events in Microsoft Teams. These features will be rolling out in late July 2019. Live events in US Government Community Cloud (GCC), Live events in Go Local India, Japan and Australia.

This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 24216.

How does this affect me?
We will be gradually rolling out availability of live events in GCC, Go Local India, Go Local Japan and Go Local Australia in late July, 2019 and the roll out will be completed by the end of August, 2019.

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
The live events feature is on by default for the users. There are administrative controls to enable and disable the feature for selected set of users. Please click Additional information to learn more. 

  • Users in GCC will be able to schedule and host a new live event in Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Stream.
  • Microsoft Teams users who are in Go Locals India, Japan and Australia (customers defined as those with Tenant sign up country = India, Japan or Australia) will be able to schedule and host a new live event in Microsoft Teams with the live events data stored in-country. Please see Get started with Microsoft Teams live events for more information.

  • India, Japan or Australia customers or tenants who are not in Go Locals & have their data in-region i.e. in APAC will continue to create live events in-region.
Please note live events are already available in Go Local Canada. Support for live events in GCC-High, GCC-DoD, Go Locals UK, Go Local France and other countries will be added in the future.

Additional Information

1 comment:

  1. I got here much interesting stuff. The post is great! Thanks for sharing it! Teams Usuario
