SharePoint (2003 thru Online): June 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

No companies found (DEFAULT). TimeClockPlus-TCP

No companies found (DEFAULT).

When you are using multiple companies and login thru Web Clock, sometimes, you may not see the companies drop down and may see the above error.

You need to make sure Multi Company Module is loaded.

And also make sure the Auto Update is done for Web Clock.

To do the Auto Update for Web Clock, type /AutoUpdate30/Login.aspx next to the Web URL and click OK. Select the Company from the Drop down and user ADMIN login.

Click on Update, Accept the License, again click on Update.

Click on Exit once the process is completed.

Now you will be able to see Companies Drop down when logged in as USER and MANAGER.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes a very powerfull tool the Stsadm, stsadm is for command-line administration of Office SharePoint Server 2007/Moss 2007 you can use this sharepoint 2010 also. it can be used for server and sites stsadm can be used by command line or by using batch files or scripts. There are certain operations and certain parameters that are only available by using theStsadm command-line tool.

Where the STSADM is Located
Stsadm is located at the following path on the drive where SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin. You must be an administrator on the local computer to use Stsadm.Many a times people think of running stsadm.exe commands from any command prompt.  So here is the way:
1. Open command prompt
2. Type in the following command:  @set PATH=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN;%PATH% 
(This Command does not work on WSS 2.0)

In WSS 2.0
Try CD C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\BIN
and run the below Commands.

3. You can now run the stsadm.exe commands from anywhere in the command prompt
To get the IDs of the Solutions use the below Command

stsadm -o enumdeployments

To CANCEL the deployment of the Solution use the below Power Shell Command.

stsadm -o canceldeployment -id "ae9d211d-83d2-47c4-a0c0-c6251a423675"


Make sure all deployments are set to DEPLOYING before stopping the services.
Command prompt, run as Admin on WFE and SQL if you are running SSRS integrated mode.
Stop the SharePoint Admin Service
Stop the SharePoint Timer service
1) Run stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs on your CA server.
2) Run stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs on all the farm members that have stsadm.
3) Restart the Timer Service on all farm members.
4) Restart the SharePoint Admin service
That should fix it. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sharepoint Permissions Manager

Project Description

Managing permissions in SharePoint is a complex and often difficult to understand by end users. In addition, features for managing permissions on a site are splitted on several screens and must access on each item to finely manage the associated rights. When the site is important, it quickly becomes difficult to obtain an overview of permissions and each change creates a lot of work. 

This version works with WSS 3.0/MOSS 2007 and Sharepoint 2010


This tool aims to bring together on one screen, most of management capabilities of permissions for an entire site: 
- Overall display permissions for groups on the Sharepoint libraries and website pages 
- Adding, modifying, deleting permissions with a few clicks without having to go through a lot of screens (using JQuery)
- Export as an Excel table permissions 
- Copy permissions between lists and pages

Planned on future version :
- Import / export permissions as XML (very useful in cases of misuse by the user) in order to quickly restore a configuration permissions

SharePoint ULS Logs

Where are the SharePoint ULS Logs?

If you are looking for the SharePoint ULS Logs,  the default path log locations are below:

For SharePoint 2010: 
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\Logs

For SharePoint 2013:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\Logs

Optionally, if you wish to change the location of the ULS logs, you can do so in Central Administration: 

  1. In Central Administration, click on Monitoring
  2. You can then click on "Configure diagnostic logging" to alter the path to the diagnostic Trace Logs
  3. To alter the usage logs, you can click on "Configure usage and health data collection" and alter the path for the logs under Usage Data collection Settings.

Now, if you wish to view and actually MAKE SENSE of the ULS Logs, then you will want to use one of the various ULS Log Viewers that are available for download:

The ULS Log Viewer that you choose is largely a matter of personal preference, but it seems that the CodePlex projects seem to provide more functionality than the ULS Log Viewer provided on the MSDN Code site.

If you need to view ULS Logs from a SharePoint 2013 installation, ONLYthe project provides SharePoint 2013 support.

"Remove Server Farm Configuration Not Complete" Warning

The Central Admin URL should be part of Trusted Sites. Otherwise, many features will not work properly.

Go to Central Administration > Application Management > Check Services Enabled in this Farm
Clear the Errors logged here.

Once all the Errors are cleared in the above screenshot,

1. We need to create New Web Application (Root Web App).
2. We need to create a SSP (Shared Service Provider) for the farm.

If you don't see any other errors while going thru the process, this will help you to get rid of the above message.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint Web site has exceeded the storage quota limit. You must save your work to another location. Contact your administrator to change the quota limits for the Web site.

Error Messages:

Your changes could not be saved because this SharePoint Web site has exceeded the storage quota limit. You must save your work to another location. Contact your administrator to change the quota limits for the Web site.

You see the below error when you try to upload the Files to a Document Library.

You see the below error while trying to drag files in the Folder opening the Library with Windows Explorer.

"Error 0x8007050F: The requested file Operation failed because the storage quota was exceeded.

To free up disk space, move files to a different location or delete unnecessary files. For more information, contact your system administrator."

You see the below error message while working with Workflows.


Run this query on all the content databases : get the site which has the Quota limit set.

SELECT s.DiskUsed, s.DiskQuota, w.FullUrl from webs w join Sites s on w.SiteId = s.Id where s.DiskUsed > (s.DiskQuota * 0.9) and DiskQuota != 0

Make a note of the output of the above query. 

Run the following command and make sure what is the quota limit on the site collections on individual web applications and check the Quota Size:

Stsadm -o enumsites  -url

Run the below command to update the quota.

stsadm -o updatequota
 -quotaname <quotaTemplateName> [-contentdb <database name>]     [-nologfile][-quiet]

stsadm –o updatequota –contentdb WSS_Content

In my case, we don't have Quota Template and any Quota already set. I think the default Quota Limit came into picture and caused the error.
It also showed error message when i ran the above command. But looks like the limit was set to "0".

I was able to upload files directly and using Windows Explorer.

You can use the above tool to updates Site Quotas using Quota Template.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

NINTEX - Problems and Solutions

"The workflow name is used elsewhere on this site. Please choose another name."

I had a list that implemented ABC workflow, but I deleted this list without remove it. Could you tell me how can I import ABC workflow with the same name? While importing a workflow, If you receive a message: "The workflow name is used elsewhere on this site. Please choose another name". The list is really deleted. Checked in the bin + the admin bin.

Suggestion from Nintex Support: There is a hidden list that contains the workflow definition files. You may need to remove the relevant folder (with the workflow name) to remove the workflow completely. 
If your site is 
the URL would be

Please note after deleting the folder name with problematic workflow name it will be removed completely and not be able to be recovered unless you re import and publish the workflow.

You may also find the following document of interest 

"Nintex Workflow Settings missing"

Nintex feature is enabled at Site Collection Features and Site Features but still when you go to Workflow Settings of List or Document Library you are unable to see the Nintex workflow menu thru Workflow Settings. 

Work around Solution:
Add the below part to the end of the URL after Sites or Lists or Libraries.
Use the the ListId of the List or Doucment Library for which you  want to go to Nintex Workflows Gallery.


This will take you to the page where you can see the option to view the existing workflows and create new workflows (as shown below).

For Example:{7C1FC2A8-27B8-4730-ACD1-D269C53ABCC1}