SharePoint (2003 thru Online): NINTEX - Problems and Solutions

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

NINTEX - Problems and Solutions

"The workflow name is used elsewhere on this site. Please choose another name."

I had a list that implemented ABC workflow, but I deleted this list without remove it. Could you tell me how can I import ABC workflow with the same name? While importing a workflow, If you receive a message: "The workflow name is used elsewhere on this site. Please choose another name". The list is really deleted. Checked in the bin + the admin bin.

Suggestion from Nintex Support: There is a hidden list that contains the workflow definition files. You may need to remove the relevant folder (with the workflow name) to remove the workflow completely. 
If your site is 
the URL would be

Please note after deleting the folder name with problematic workflow name it will be removed completely and not be able to be recovered unless you re import and publish the workflow.

You may also find the following document of interest 

"Nintex Workflow Settings missing"

Nintex feature is enabled at Site Collection Features and Site Features but still when you go to Workflow Settings of List or Document Library you are unable to see the Nintex workflow menu thru Workflow Settings. 

Work around Solution:
Add the below part to the end of the URL after Sites or Lists or Libraries.
Use the the ListId of the List or Doucment Library for which you  want to go to Nintex Workflows Gallery.


This will take you to the page where you can see the option to view the existing workflows and create new workflows (as shown below).

For Example:{7C1FC2A8-27B8-4730-ACD1-D269C53ABCC1}

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, this is helpful for Nintex in general. Although, it looks like I need Site Collection Admin privileges to do any serious damage.

    Stephan Onisick
